viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Suit typical of Panamanians

Suit typical of Panamanians

Man's wardrobe, little is known of its origins and how it evolved to become part of our dress typical accompaniment feminine " La Pollera "

Today Panamanian men over time have been characterized by wear modest clothing depending on the time of year where we are , and that's why in folk has been difficult to study typical male dresses in depth, why which only we frame them in the most used by our grandparents and even today , for children, youth and adults who love our folk traditions .
Among the most common male dresses that can be found in our country we have:
The weekenders or Gala,
The Daily Faena or Work.
It is noteworthy that these dresses male vary by region they are used .
The weekenders or Gala :
They are used by our men dressed Panamanians, and can be classified according to the occasion in two groups: the                                                                                  undershirt and Cotona .

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